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2020年も残すところ、わずかです。English Hubでは今年も、英語を学ぶ人を支援するポータルサイトとして、学習ノウハウや、英語力向上に役立つサービス、ツールを幅広くご紹介してきました。本年の締めくくりとなる今回の記事は、もうそこまで来ている新年を前に、英語で2020年を振り返る企画です。



  • きゅんです
  • リモートワーク
  • ぴえん
  • あつ森


回答者:コリン ハイヤー スノウ先生

ワンナップ英会話 コリン先生プロフィール:アメリカのワシントン州出身。セントラルワシントン大学にてアジア政治・文化を専攻。日本滞在歴5年。流暢な博多弁を話す。2018年にワンナップ英会話に入社し、講師としてレッスンを担当するかたわら、SNS動画の企画制作も行う。自身が出演するInstagramTikTokでも人気を誇る。


“Kyun” is basically an onomatopoeia for what sound your heart makes when your significant other does something nice or romantic for you, when you see something really cute, like a puppy or a baby, or when you watch a touching moment in a movie. “Heart-wringing” or “choked up.”

choked up:胸がきゅんとする

“Mitsu” is the kanji of the year for 2020 in Japan. It is supposed to hold multiple meanings at once. Of course, the meaning, if you were to take it at face value, is “dense” or “crowd,” words that may strike a bit of fear in the hearts of many this year, due to Covid-19 and the increasing push for social distancing and avoiding public (crowded) places. “Mitsu” is also the second half of the kanji 秘密 (himitsu), meaning “secret,” and was another reason for this kanji being chosen; to reference the multiple alleged political conferences and meetings that took place in secret.

take ~ at face value:そのまま解釈する
strike fear in the hearts of:~を恐れさせる

【参照サイト】2020年「今年の漢字」 | 公益財団法人 日本漢字能力検定


Simply put, “remote work.” Working from home, which is something that many of us have had to get used to this year, in an effort to avoid crowded areas and trains, and to try to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The necessity for remote work this year has shone a light on the fact that long commutes to the office, and packed trains don’t have to be a necessity, and the idea that work productivity would fall if workers worked remotely has proven to be false.

simply put:簡単に言うと
shine a light on ~:~を明らかにする


“Pien” is a very interesting word, because on the surface, it appears to be a word that is used when you are feeling down or sad, or when you are feeling, for lack of a better term, “meh.” Think “sad, on the verge of tears emoji” and you’ll have the right idea. That being said, it seems to have evolved slightly, in some circles, to have a positive meaning as well. I’ve personally never seen it used this way, but I’ve heard that some do, so do what you will with that information.

feel down:落ち込む
on the verge of tears:泣き出しそうな


“Atsumori” is actually short for atsumare doubutsu no mori (atsumare meaning “come together,” or “gather!”). It would probably help to know that doubutsu no mori (Animal Crossing in English) is a game in which you can farm, decorate an in-game house, in addition to meeting up and playing together with other friends who are also playing the game online! With the spread of Covid-19, people around the world were lacking in human contact, the game came along to save the day, and its timing truly couldn’t have been better. It gave people a place to gather, albeit virtually, and allowed everyone who played it to bring back some semblance of human interaction.

human contact:人との接触
come along:現れる
save the day:苦境を救う




English Hubでは、2021年もベストな学習法が見つかるメディアとして読者のみなさまによりよい「学び」との出会いを提供できるよう、編集部スタッフ一同、力を合わせて取り組みます。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします!

【参照サイト】ワンナップ英会話 公式サイト

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