
※ この記事には広告・PRが含まれています




  1. Soft indirect NO
  2. Soft NO
  3. Formal NO
  4. Strong NO
  5. Absolute NO



Soft and indirect NO

I can see how a diamond doorstopper may potentially impact employee motivation, but you might want to ask for everyone’s opinion before you go ahead with it.

Soft NO

You must have gone through a lot of thinking, but I’m not sure if a diamond doorstopper will be a cost-effective approach for raising employee motivation.

Formal NO

After careful consideration, my conclusion is that replacing the rubber doorstopper with a diamond alternative may not be the best option we should be considering at this moment.

Strong NO

I honestly don’t think the doorstopper is where we should be looking at when we think about raising employee motivation.

Absolute NO

I’ll have to say this is out of the question. Other than being entertained by the thought of your trying to explain to the president how a diamond doorstopper bring any sort of motivation to any sane human being, I do not see any value to that idea.



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