【英文記事で英語学習】Food Packaging in Japan 食品パッケージと環境負荷




※1 参照:経済産業省|プラスチック製買物袋有料化
※2 参照:環境省|プラスチック資源循環

Reading Part 1 - 本文を読んでみよう



Food Packaging & New Plastic Recycling Law in Japan ー May 26, 2022

Following the start of a new law in Japan on April 1 that aims to increase the circularity of plastic throughout its lifecycle, we look at one of Japan’s big areas of plastic use – food packaging.

For many people, their image of Japanese food includes strict hygiene standards, freshness, and convenient access to ready-to-eat meals and bottled drinks. For others, copious amounts of packaging to ensure those high standards may be what comes to mind.

Food Packaging and Environmental Issues

On the upside, packaging does help maintain the quality of food and sustain its longevity. But there’s a significant downside, too: plastic production emits a large amount of carbon dioxide. For instance, the carbon footprint of just five plastic bags is 1 kg of CO2.

Data shows that the packaging industry accounts for 42% of global plastic waste. Since CO2 is one of the greenhouse gases that are raising global temperatures, plastic packaging plays a considerable role in causing climate change. That is why Japan is trying to reduce plastic production by increasing the circularity of it as a resource.

Vocabulary - 重要語彙を確認!

  • circularity:(名)循環性
  • copious:(形)大量の
  • come to mind:頭に浮かぶ、思い当たる
  • upside/downside:(名)良い面/悪い面
  • longevity:(名)寿命
  • significant:(形)顕著な
  • account for~:~を占める

Reading Part 2 - 本文を読んでみよう


Plastic Packaging vs Paper Packaging

Since most modern plastics are derived from fossil fuel-based chemicals like natural gas and petroleum, paper would be the more sustainable choice. Recently, Nestle Japan changed its packaging from plastic-based to paper-based. This move by a market-leading company has spurred many other companies to follow suit. But how significant of a change is it?

Well, in terms of recycling, paper packaging might not be the most environmentally friendly material. A study says that recycling paper requires four times more energy and water than recycling plastic. As for weight, for two packages of the same size, with one made of plastic and the other of paper, typically the paper one will be heavier. Therefore, paper packaging might not be as space-efficient as plastic, meaning that more vehicles might be needed for transportation.

It is clear that the best way to cope with packaging waste is to reduce the production of it in the first place through reuse. More widespread use of biodegradable packaging could also help.

Vocabulary - 重要語彙を確認!

  • derive from~:~に由来する
  • petroleum:(名)石油
  • spur:(動)拍車をかける、促進する
  • cope with~:~に対処する
  • in the first place:そもそも
  • biodegradable:(形)生分解性の

Reading Part 3 - 本文を読んでみよう


Japan’s New Plastic Resource Circulation Act

In April, the Ministry of the Environment implemented a new law, “The Plastic Resource Circulation Act.” The main principle of it is to use subsidies to encourage companies to reduce the production of single-use plastic and develop and adopt more circular product designs and systems. Examples include refill products that use less voluminous packaging and product-collection points run by the companies for recycling purposes.

Both consumers and food companies in Japan have traditionally placed a high priority on convenience and have therefore been reluctant to make changes that could reduce that convenience. While it might take a while for Japan to adopt the changes that the new law aims to spur, the public’s shift away from plastic bags following the mandatory surcharge on them that began in July 2020 suggests that it is just a matter of time before a new circular lifestyle for plastic becomes the new norm in Japan.

Vocabulary - 重要語彙を確認!

  • subsidy:(名)助成金、補助金
  • voluminous:(形)容積の大きい、かさばる
  • be reluctant to:~するのに抵抗を感じる、気が乗らない
  • adopt:(動)取り入れる、採用する
  • mandatory:(形)義務的な
  • norm:(名)(社会における)標準的な状態

Reading Comprehension Quiz - 理解度をチェック!



  1. Plastic packaging is widely used for food, and 42% of food packaging in Japan are made of plastic. True or False?
  2. Plastic packaging is superior to paper packaging in terms of weight and space-efficiency. True or False?
  3. Companies can reduce the production of single-use plastic by providing refill products and collecting used products for recycling purposes. True or False?
  4. ※正解は記事最下部へ

Listening - 英語音声の聞き取りにもチャレンジ!

“Food Packaging & New Plastic Recycling Law in Japan”の内容を音声で聞きたい方は、こちらからフルバージョンを視聴可能です。記事を読んでインプットした語彙を意識しつつ、英語の聞き取りに挑戦しましょう。



【参照サイト】Zenbird – Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan


  1. False
  2. True
  3. True
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