Japanese Fermented Food 日本の食文化と発酵食品【英文記事で英語学習】



今回のテーマは、日本の食文化と深い関わりのある、“fermented food(発酵食品)”です。海外の人たちに日本について紹介する際、身近な保存食のことが話の種になるかもしれません。



発酵食品は、英語で“fermented food”といいます。本文のリーディングに入る前に、今回の記事のキーワードである「発酵」に関連した英単語を一緒にインプットしておきましょう。

  • fermented:(形)発酵した
  • 【例文】Like other fermented food such as kimchi, koji has many health benefits.

    【引用元】What is koji?

  • fermentation:(名)発酵
  • 【例文】The Japanese startup, Fermenstation, aims to build a more circular society by utilizing unused resources with their fermentation technology.

    【引用元】How Japan integrates circular rice farming into fashion

Reading Part 1 - 本文を読んでみよう



Japanese fermented food shows us way to sustainable eating

Preserved foods are foods that can be left at room temperature for an extended period of time and still be eaten, and they exist in all regions. Preserved foods can last longer by drying them, using salt, sugar and vinegar, or soaking them in oil or alcohol.

Among these, fermentation is the most familiar to the Japanese. For example, fermented foods such as soy sauce, miso, mirin and dried bonito flakes are essential to traditional Japanese cuisine as “umami.” Other examples include natto, sake and even “menma” (pickled bamboo shoots) found in ramen noodles. In Japan, the oldest fermented food is said to be “pickled gourd”, left over from the peak of the Nara Period (729-749).

Vocabulary - 重要語彙を確認!

  • preserved food:(名)保存食品
  • fermented food:(名)発酵食品
  • last:(動)続く、持続する
  • soak:(動)漬ける
  • bonito flakes:(名)鰹節
  • pickled gourd:(名)瓜の塩漬け

Reading Part 2 - 本文を読んでみよう


Learning how to make miso

JapaneseCooking101” is an YouTube channel that introduces a variety of Japanese home cooking. Miso is a fermented food that is an essential part of Japanese meal and has many health benefits. This video introduces how to make miso in an easy-to-understand way, so you can learn it from your home.

Experiencing traditional fermented food making

The guesthouse SHUBOU is located on the premises of a traditional sake brewery that has been in operation since the Edo period. Here, visitors can experience making fermented ingredients using koji, the raw material used to make sake. This facility is recommended for those who want to learn about fermentation while having fun together.

Vocabulary - 重要語彙を確認!

  • a variety of:さまざまな
  • premises:(名)敷地、構内
  • brewery:(名)醸造所
  • ingredient:(名)材料
  • raw material:(名)原材料

Reading Part 3 - 本文を読んでみよう


HAKKO Department allows us to try fermented food

The word, “hakko,” means “fermentation” in Japanese. HAKKO Department is the store where you can find everything about fermentation, including unique fermented foods, ingredients and alcoholic beverages from all over the world. The physical store is located in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo, and you can also purchase fermented foods through their online store.

Preserved foods contain the wisdom of our ancestors in stockpiling food and are useful in times of food shortages. It also includes the knowledge of making full use of nature’s bounty, for example, using up all the bones and organs of fish. Therefore, the wisdom of our ancestors is of great value to be passed on to future generations from the perspective of sustainability.

Vocabulary - 重要語彙を確認!

  • purchase:(動)買う
  • wisdom:(名)知恵
  • ancestor:(名)先祖
  • stockpile:(動)備蓄する
  • bounty:(名)恵み
  • organ:(名)内臓

Reading Comprehension Quiz - 理解度をチェック!



  1. Preserved foods are foods that can be kept at room temperature, and only exist in Japan. True or False?
  2. It is said that the oldest fermented food in Japan is “pickled gourd” from Nara period. True or False?
  3. People can reduce the amount of food waste, taking full advantage of preserved food. True or False?
  4. ※正解は記事最下部へ

Listening - 英語音声の聞き取りにもチャレンジ!

“Japanese fermented food shows us way to sustainable eating”の内容を音声で聞きたい方は、こちらからフルバージョンを視聴可能です。記事を読んでインプットした語彙を意識しつつ、英語の聞き取りに挑戦しましょう。




【参照サイト】Zenbird – Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan


  1. False
  2. True
    文献上の日本最古の発酵食品は、奈良時代の“pickled gourd(瓜の塩漬け)”と言われています。
  3. True
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