【英文記事で英語学習】Recognizing LGBT in Education 日本の教育現場の状況は?






Reading Part 1 - 本文を読んでみよう



Japan takes small steps in a big change to recognizing LGBT in education

Although there is still much work to do, educational institutions in Japan are slowly starting to acknowledge and, in some cases, celebrate the LGBT community.

The first to make these changes have been some international schools and universities, which are more removed from the very slow-moving cogs of change at schools under direct government oversight.

Waseda University, a private university in Tokyo, in May 2016 held the Waseda LGBT Ally Week to demonstrate how anyone can be an ally and support the LGBT community on campus in various ways. There are no requirements to attend the event, but holding it expresses a positive attitude toward the LGBT community that helps reduce the potential for homophobia.

Vocabulary - 重要語彙を確認!

  • acknowledge:(動)認める
  • removed from ~:~から離れた
  • cog:(名)歯車
  • oversight:(名)監視、管理
  • ally:(名)支持者、同盟
  • homophobia:(名)同性愛嫌悪

Reading Part 2 - 本文を読んでみよう


Acknowledging the existence of LGBT

In contrast, public schools are still at the stage of acknowledging the existence of the LGBT community. There have been some gradual changes over the last five years as the mention of LGBT has started to appear in school textbooks for various subjects.

This is an important and overdue shift, but while it has taken place, the Japanese education ministry has maintained school instruction that says that in puberty, “Young people develop an interest in the opposite sex.”

Ahead of a once-in-a-decade government review of school curriculum guidelines that took place in 2017, a movement arose to change that statement, which basically denies the very existence of homosexuality within the human experience. Regrettably, the change was not adopted. The government reportedly rejected the proposal because, it said, the public and guardians are not accepting of LGBT issues.

Vocabulary - 重要語彙を確認!

  • overdue:(形)遅れた、期限が過ぎた
  • puberty:(名)思春期
  • once-in-a-decade:10年に一度の
  • school curriculum guidelines:学習指導要領
  • homosexuality:(名)同性愛
  • reportedly:(副)報道によると、伝えられるところによると

Reading Part 3 - 本文を読んでみよう


LGBT references in textbooks increase

Meanwhile, change is occurring in a different area. The first time the concept of gender diversity was included in school textbooks here was in 2017, when it was mentioned in high school ethics and home economics texts. In 2019, four publishing companies out of eight included LGBT topics in junior-high school texts for the first time in compulsory education. In 2020, an elementary school textbook mentioned the presence of people “who do not feel romantic interest in the opposite sex.”

In March 2020, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) announced the results of its annual certification of textbooks, which revealed that mentions of sexual diversity significantly increased in junior-high school textbooks adopted from spring 2021. In junior-high school textbooks, only five companies and six textbooks mentioned LGBT before, but in the school year 2021, the number has increased to 9 companies and 17 textbooks.

On top of that, the number of subjects that they cover expanded from ethics to also include Japanese language, history, civics, home economics, art, and physical education.

Vocabulary - 重要語彙を確認!

  • ethics:(名)倫理
  • home economics:(名)家庭科
  • compulsory education:義務教育
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT):文部科学省
  • reveal:(動)明らかにする
  • adopt:(動)採用する
  • civics:(名)公民

Reading Comprehension Quiz - 理解度をチェック!



  1. International schools and universities in Japan are one of the first educational institutions to show their support for the LGBT community. True or False?
  2. In 2017, Japanese government adopted a proposal to change the statement in school instructions, which denies the existence of homosexuality. True or False?
  3. The number of textbooks which include the concept of gender diversity is increasing in Japan. True or False?
  4. ※正解は記事最下部へ

Listening - 英語音声の聞き取りにもチャレンジ!

“Japan takes small steps in a big change to recognizing LGBT in education”の内容を音声で聞きたい方は、こちらからフルバージョンを視聴可能です。今回学んだ語彙などを意識しながら、英語を聞き取れるかどうか確かめてみましょう。




【参照サイト】Zenbird – Discovering a Sustainable Future from Japan


  1. True
  2. False
  3. True
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